Reggie Evans may have received a technical foul for giving Blake Griffin a high-five


Jun 17, 2007
It's been well established that the Los Angeles Clippers seem to enjoy making the most out of the incidental contact that tends to happen about 97,000 times during an NBA game. The team takes plenty of licks with its banging, athletic style, but it also likes to magnify the impact of said licks by flopping, and losing a bit of credibility with the referees along the way. With that in place, it's still hard to understand why the 'Peter and the Wolf' syndrome would influence referee Marc Davis for whistling a technical foul on Clipper forward Reggie Evans for … high-fiving his teammate?

Take a look:

Your guess is as good as mine. Davis does not have the best reputation around the league, but we can't recall seeing a technical foul like this in our lifetime — because even Joey Crawford's needless ejection of Tim Duncan followed a bit of sarcastic laughter that Duncan was actually sending Joey's way. Trust us, Blake Griffin and Reggie Evans weren't sarcastically high-fiving over any of Davis' calls. Nobody has ever done that. Nobody ever will.

The Clippers went on to lose by two points, after a late desperation three-pointer brought Los Angeles within striking limits late in the Memphis Grizzlies' 90-88 win. And if the game had come down to a thinner margin (the technical foul gave Memphis a point), well, Davis would have a whole heck of a lot of explaining to do.

Actually, he still does. Watch the replay 97 times — what in the world was he blowing that whistle for?

Reggie Evans, and Blake Griffin? Let's eschew the high-five in Sunday's series-deciding Game 7, please. We're sure that you'll have plenty to celebrate, but that's nothing that can't be expressed when the gift of a laurel and hearty handshake will do.