Regarding tobacco smells, does a product exist which will extract the...


May 20, 2008
...smell of cigarette smoke? from a room. Opening windows isn't enough. I want a product ('machine' is probably a better name for it) that will remove this smell almost as soon as it is produced so that it will not linger on clothing, curtains and carpets.

Is there anything on the market which does this job? I don't want to use sprays to just mask the smell I want to prevent the inhalation of the stuff as much as possible.

Please don't answer by saying "don't allow smoking on your premises".That is not an option, unfortunately.
You might want to do a little research on air ionizers or negative ion generators They attach to air born contaminates like smoke and drop them to the ground Not sure if it will clear the air of the odor, but you could read about them to be sure.

Ozone air purifiers are supposed to work well but they generate a greenhouse gas and should never be used around the sick or those with breathing difficulties

Those cheap little vacuum ashtrays help but they are kinda funky
An air deodoriser (like Neutradol) rather than air fresherner might work. An air purifier (machine) will probably work better. But I doubt you'll get anything that's "instant" without making people blow smoke straight into the machine.