Red Or Brown???????

EWWW Vile.

Hp looks like a sweeter form of Heinz 57. I'll be on the look for it this weekend.
I see the debate still rages!!! And brown sauce on cheese on toast is pure class, particularly the whipped with egg version.

Hmmm, what dishes can i add the brown elixir to next???????
Has anyone made a marinade with it? While I can't get my hands on HP right now I do mix 57 with bourbon to make a nice little soak for a pork roast.
Hmm, I havent thought about Marinading Roast with it, though I have done it with steak .

The best is home made burgers with chunky chips smoothered in HP, dont know how you could get a better feed than that.

Strangly, HP makes beer taste even better. Just smother HP on EVERYTHING, and was it all down with a 1664!!!!!!
EXCELLENT suggestion.

It doesn't work very well with coffee. It kind-of worked in the orange juice, but it's not a keeper.
I said HP, but really I mean both ..... mixed ..... on a great bi fry!....hmmmmmmmmm
Get your arse on a plane to Aus sharpish. You are in need of some alchohol appreciation courses.
As soon as I get done singing and participating in one million bottles of beer on the wall.

Don't sweat your noodle I'll be by to visit ASAP.
You get unlimited free booze on the plane.

Makes the flight almost worth it. Just dont get to arsed, you wake up with the WORST hangover.
I don't get free hooch nor can I drink when I fly. Ya see, I'm the pilot. If I get my way about it I'll be buying an old Lancaster and rebuilding it. I'll fly to you when I get that accomplished.