Recover Chrome Passwords using ChromePasswordDecryptor


New member
Nov 17, 2010
ChromePasswordDecryptor is the FREE tool to instantly recover all stored passwords by Google Chrome browser. It automatically detect the default Chrome profile path for the current user and displays all the stored login credentials in clear text after decrypting them. It also shows all the blacklisted website entries for which user has prompted Chrome to not to remember the passwords.
Another useful feature of this tool is the Export option which can be used to save the login secrets to the local file in standard HTML format. This will be very useful in following cases

* To take backup of the login secrets for the stored websites
* To transfer the secrets from one system to another.
* To store the website passwords at more secured centralized location
* To recover the passwords in case Chrome becomes not accessible or non functional.
Though ChromePasswordDecryptor is a Portable tool, it comes with Installer so that you can install it locally on your system for regular usage. It has intuitive setup wizard (as shown in the screenshot below) which guides you through series of steps in completion of installation. At any point of time you can use Uninstaller to remove the software from the system.

Though ChromePasswordDecryptor is a Portable tool, it comes with Installer so that you can install it locally on your system for regular usage. It has intuitive setup wizard (as shown in the screenshot below) which guides you through series of steps in completion of installation. At any point of time you can use Uninstaller to remove the software from the system.

Here are the screenshots of ChromePasswordDecryptor showing it in action...

Screenshot 1: ChromePasswordDecryptor showing the blacklisted websites and decrypted passwords from the Chrome store.


Screenshot 2: Exported Chrome secrets in standard HTML format by ChromePasswordDecryptor

