Recent breakup.

It doesnt quite work like that Greg, time doesnt make a difference, but thanks for the input.
It doesnt quite work like that Greg, time doesnt make a difference, but thanks for the input.

Quality pic moosy but if we destroy them all then I really will go though a drought! lol
Your having trouble with single life? I LOVED being single. Dont get me wrong, I love being with my gf, but the single life affords you so much freedom.

Dont worry about the bird mate. There is enough fish in the sea to keep the whole of japan in sushi for a long time to come, so you'll be find getting another bird.

Just enjoy yourself. Go clubbing, go on a lads night out and get slaughtered every friday, saturday can be your babe scouting night.

Your a fireman arent you? Christ, there is no bigger pick up line than that my friend. After sep 11th, firemen have jumped the rank from fantasy to ultimate hero/bf material. Just play the cards you've been delt mate and dont fold on yourself.
Thats 'our' Greg, sensitive as always!

Time indeed can be a factor..

Some people take ages to fall

some straight away

me i'm the latter, and everytime it hits the fan i come off worse.

I've been 'in love' many times and each time is different, you never Love the same way twice.

Keep busy, your mates around you and you will move forward in time!


Good points guys. This is whats strange NN, I have always enjoyed being single in the past and used to be a bit of a playa but I just lost it. To be honest just reading this thread has helped me a lot already and is reminding me about the facts of the situation. It is truly amazing just how good impartial advice can be from people that don't really know you, your ex partner, or the situation.
Confidence is the key.

a few of my old relationships of some 3-4 years hit me bad but a 7 year one did not!

the reason the 7 year one did not was that i ended the relationship after the last couple of years of avoiding flying objects!!

One of the 'traps' i fell into in the early relationships was too much time with girlfirend and not enough with my mates, so when it ended i indeed was alone( as most my mates at 18-25 were single.

in the 7 year one, i kept my mates by seeing them weekly, continued training and it was not so bad, although my x-best mate of 14 years trying to crack on to my ex-girlfriend after one week, really p***ed me off!!

Anytime your up telford way, give us a shout and we'll down a few pints!!


You damn right! Nothing that a few pints wont sort out.

As for that mate, he needs a good kicking! One bad this is that it seems that women stand by there mates and help them out and take there side, whereas men just arent as loyal IMO. I'm lucky with my mates but do you know what I mean?
OMG, I use that term all the time. I can't believe how right on you are. Buddies don't usually have ulterior motives, women almost always do. How often do you hear from a woman, well I hate it when he does ******* (fill in the blank) but I can change him. If you love him you don't NEED to change him. Jeez......

Heck heres an example. Your in a situation with some friends and you go talk to another friend, the first buddy doesn't care. Try that with a girl and all heck will break loose. I have a gay female friend that I hang out with and we have some fun messing with people at the main club on the island.

Question: What does a playstation 2 and Michael Jackson have in common?

Women fall out with people for life

men tend to sort it out quicker.

as for my old mate, he's too much of a girl to worry about.

serious though, be selfish for a while just indulge yourself in what you want, it won't be long before you will have curtain your fun to keep the women happy.

life is far too short.


ps funny enough, at the end of one of my relationships i met my mate Jack, and we've been friends on and off every since. I only 'see' him once in a while as we have far too much fun together! His full name Jack Daniels! :)

I found this earlier this year and it makes sense..

The Man / The Woman
(origin unknown)

One visitor suggested that this was an amazingly accurate representation, although "The Woman" was missing a large speaker that lets you know the second you do anything wrong, and a 5,000-page instruction manual (available only in Aramaic).
When I broke up with a girl I was engaged to way back when I was 19, this was pretty much how I coped with it (aka Sever's How Not To Deal With A Breakup Guide tm):
Drinking is absolutely necessary
Get some "friends" whose names you can't remember, but all have really cool hair
Drink some more
Develop an unhealthy obsession with the bunch of you singing "The Passenger" by Iggy Pop as loudly as possible, as late as possible in neighbourhood watch zones
Drink a little more
Sing "Breakin' the Law" whenever you see a copper
Say to as many girls as possible "Y'know, you're absolutely gorgeous." If they have a boyfriend present, say "You know what the biggest tragedy in the world is? When a woman like this goes out with a gay bloke"
Fight said boyfriend
Sober up, realise you're behaving like a pillock and sort out your life

The way I've dealt with every breakup since has been just to spend more time with my friends, playing my guitar and writing. Just find something you like doing and do it. It gets better, mate, don't panic
Come on man.
I broke up with my 5 years girlfriend, and now after 6 months I started to get up from the ko.
A couple of advices:
1. Don't hope she will come back
2. Don't ever see/talk to her anymore
3. Time will soften your suffering
4. Go on with your life, interests, friends... this is the trick. Don't think. Don't ask questions about why, how, etc. It happened. GO ON. After a while, you'll adjust to a single life, you'll enjoy your freedom, and JUST when you start to enjoy your free life A LOT, you'll meet a new girlfriend that will ruin it and will put you in a cage LOL
Aii mate. Get back into the game, its a game worthy and great fun to play.

Having a gf is just when you'r talking a break from the game.

Get in their my son

Got myself back into the swing of things now. Met a fantstic girl the other night and have a few more in the pipeline!!! Took the advice on the drink and sambucered myself which made a fantastic night all round. Thanks to everyone who gave advice on this thread, I can safely say that I am really on the up now.

