Really weird dream creature?


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I had a dream with a really weird creature. I was in a cave with some people (I couldn't remember who they where). We were coming out of the cave the way we came in except the way was blocked by some creature. It looked like a Shisa (Japanese mythical creature crossed between a lion and a dog) except slightly different. It was orange all over with a few dark blue stripes around its side, but not on its stomach or back. It's eyes where very distinguished, they were very big and pure black. Its head was a cross between a dog and a lion/tiger. It mouth was open showing four large fangs, two on the top of its mouth, two on the bottom. It was not moving at all but it was very intimidating.
It was about 4' tall when sitting.
Someone tried to kick it but it disappeared and re-appeared, still blocking the way. Straight after wards I was in a jungle like place, and there was some kind of Jaguar/Cheetah hidden under thick vines. It was stalking me but wouldn't pounce, it just kept the same distance from me, circling me. It kept the same distance even if I moved towards or away from it. Eventually it whent to bite my arm, but it didn't bite hard, So I grabbed it around the scruff of its neck and it froze, like it was being picked up by it's mother and I dragged it away.

WTF could this mean???
I have been known to dream the future and have Deja Vu so strong it makes me light headed.