REAL Eminem fans: Infinite vs SSLP vs MMLP vs TES?


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Which album do you prefer, in order?

I honestly can't place them in different orders because I love them equally, they all have different characteristics. Like SSLP is Eminem at his craziest, zaniest, looniest, like "I'm gonna murder you and your family". Plus, lyrically it's not bad and is funny at times. I found it overall to be very entertaining.

The MMLP is obviously more serious and IMO lyrically better. includes some of the best songs from Em's career, including The Way I Am, Kim, Stan and Kill You. Good story telling from Eminem in numerous songs and I believe the MMLP portrays more emotion like anger, sadness than the SSLP.
As one blogger mentioned of some songs on the MMLP, "I have never heard anyone able to indulge satire, rage and sorrow; shame, guilt and regret; power, passion, loneliness and bravado; stupidity, genius, leadership and idiocy; misogyny, sympathy and tender compassion sometimes in a single song, swimming in a stream of pentameter that would cause Shakespeare to shudder." Although I am not exactly sure if said blogger only referring to songs on the MMLP or Em songs in general. Still applies well to the MMLP, no? :)
Some consider the MMLP Em's best album.

As for TES, well, it shows even more maturity from Em and we get some of Em's best songs from it, including Cleaning Out My Closet, Sing for the Moment, 'Till I Collapse White America, Solider, Goodbye Hollywood (all very personal and lyrically impeccable.)

Production on Infinite isn't so good, pretty much generic beats, unless you look the old crackling and fizziling of old-school tape production. Lyrically it is Eminem at his best, especially the title track, and 313, Never 2 Far (a prequel to Lose Yourself, lol), Open Mic and It's O.K. This is when Eminem was really living the dirt-poor life and he talks about it in his lyrics.
Although some compared his style on the album to Nas and AZ.

So, which is your favorite album?? :)