Read this chapter from my book. Tell me if you want to read more or not....?


New member
Jul 31, 2010
Chapter 1: I chose my foil carefully and went to the dummy. I started to strike it with a lot of force. After a couple of minutes, I stopped. My face was dripping with sweat. I drank some water and turned up the air conditioner. I started to beat the dummy up again.
After an hour of training, the dummy was sliced; foam came out from its sides. I sighed and put my foil in my foil cabinet. Enough fencing for now, I thought. I ran into my room upstairs and closed it. My room was Japanese themed. My bed was red and black. The covers were decorated with Japanese letters. The walls were painted red. The top of it, black. My computer on the left, with a couple of books. I went into my closet. I changed from my purple spaghetti sleeved shirt and into a long sleeved red dress.
I ran down stairs and ate some breakfast; an omelet and four pieces of bacon. I ate it quickly and put the dishes into the dishwasher. I took my black coat from the closet and my car keys. I walked to my sleek black BMW.

I sighed as I arrived at the meeting. I gave my car to house, to which we were having our meeting in, was a big blue mansion. A fountain was placed in front covered by different colored roses. I walked in and a talk butler greeted me. He looked like he was around his 40’s. He had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a white tux. “Good morning Dr. Evelyn John Myers.”
I smiled and replied,” Good morning. And you must be Ms. Elizabeth’s butler?”
“Yes,” he muttered. “My name is Cody Byres.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said holding out my hand.
He stared at my hand and shook his head. “I really shouldn’t Dr. Myers.”
I frowned. “Understood.”
“Have a nice day Dr. Myers,” he said, gesturing towards the library.
“Thank you,” I muttered walking to the library. Before I left, I looked back at him. Strange, he looked pale. Wait, no, I doubt Elizabeth would…Never mind. I walked into the library.
It was filled with people. I sighed, a meeting is just wonderful….Since I was a senior member, even though I’m only 18, I had to sit up front. In the front, there were name tags. I found my name next to Elizabeth and….”Justin?!” I haven’t seen him in years, and he decides to come to this meeting?!
“Hello Evelyn,” a strange but familiar voice said.
I looked back to see Justin. He seems to have longer hair now, or maybe that was just his bangs. His hair was light blonde. His eyes were deep green. He wore a light green button down shirt which matched his eyes and dark black pants. He was grinning at me like a ridiculous fool.
I rolled my eyes. “Justin,” I said roughly and took a seat.
“Come on, I’m sorry,” he begged, with those puppy dog eyes.
“I can’t forgive you now,” I began.
“Well, let’s see,” I paused sarcastically,” my best friend leaves me all alone after telling me what I really am and disappears the next day and never came back until today. Is that a good enough reason for you?”
He sighed and grinned at me nervously. “I know, I know. I didn’t mean to leave, I just had to. There was an emergency and, well…”
I quickly interrupted him,” I don’t care about your reasons now.” I sat down and pretended to look through the meeting plans.
Please tell me what you think. If you want to read more...just wait 'till it comes out in book form.