Rats have been in my dreams, what does it mean?

Mar 4, 2011
Lately I have noticed I have been dreaming of rats which has never happened so I'm curious about what it means. I've looked some up but usually they just say if you are attacked or attacking the rat, you are guilty, enviousness, or really angry. That's not the case in my dreams though.

In one dream, it was this competition to grab lots of rats out of this dirt hole to get it empty to win a cash prize. There were many people doing it, so there were rats everywhere. So I had to grab the rats and throw them out, and I thought it was gross but I didn't say anything about it, didn't scream, didn't cry like everyone else, I knew I just had to get all of them out no matter how gross they were so I could win. And I did win.

In another dream, I was the ground wrapped in a tart with rats swarming in there inside with me and outside. And there were a couple people helping me throw them out so I could get out and then they would disappear. Like in the other dream, as sick I it was I didn't complain, cry, or scream. I could feel them climbing all over me but I knew the only way to make them go away was to pick them up and throw them outside.

Does anyone know what this means/? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
To dream that you win a competition, suggests that you possess the necessary skills to accomplish a goal or solve a problem in your waking life.

Since the competition involves removing rats, which represent trickery... kinda as what you mentioned, perhaps it means you can succeed without using underhand methods whereas perhaps there are some around you who can't discard underhand methods as easily as you. Either way you're not failing with your own progress.
To dream that you win a competition, suggests that you possess the necessary skills to accomplish a goal or solve a problem in your waking life.

Since the competition involves removing rats, which represent trickery... kinda as what you mentioned, perhaps it means you can succeed without using underhand methods whereas perhaps there are some around you who can't discard underhand methods as easily as you. Either way you're not failing with your own progress.