Rather than whining ppl want to get Obama out,why don't he & Dems give any GOOD


Sep 13, 2009
reasons HE should stay?
Since when does a group seeking to unseat a POTUS become a 'good' reason to reelect him?
it is a shame the Republicans cannot come up with a candidate they are proud of enough to vote for instead of just voting against Obama
let me count the "good" stuff...
there was....uhhh?...wait,...wasn't,uhhh...well he,uhhh....i know there was this thing ,uhhh.....wait,i've got a brain freeze....oh yeah!,....wait no that was Bush....ok....i'm stumped
1) Obama was voted and won in the popular election
2) It is incumbent upon those WHINING to make the proper accusations instead of just speaking out of your azz. I'm sorry but calling Obama a "dumb socialist niqger muslim" does not constitute nor is protected under your free speech rights
4) You really can't wait one more year to PROVE the Republican party's antics are no longer welcome here?
THAT is proper use of your Constitutional rights, done in a proper, inoffensive manner.
Haha. They couldn't give any good reason for him to be elected in the first place. I asked a similar question here in 2008. No one had an answer that had *anything* to do with Obama. They just ranted about Bush, McCain and Palin. I love this question, though!
More than happy to oblige, but there is not enough room in this limited forum to complete such an answer, so I suggest you make full use of whitehouse.gov and recovery.gov plus politifact.com's Obameter, and even JibJab as a reminder of what was facing President Obama upon being sworn in as our elected leader on January 20, 2009.

Just a few GOOD reasons by President Obama should remain in office: the Credit CARD Act of 2009 that makes predatory fees and shady billing practices illegal; the Lily Ledbetter Act signed his first week in office; the paydown of our national debt by the $62 BILLION President Obama saved when he up and cancelled the Bush-ordered (money appropriated) presidential helicopter fleet his just after taking office; the strong focus upon making the U.S. the WORLD LEADER in manufacture of alternative energy ("green energy") products right here at home---more than 40 states now have new or rebuilt factories in operation making these renewable energy resources (and providing JOBS for millions of American workers). How about the reversal of the Great Recession which, according to Bloomberg News, Reuters, and Forbes, occurred in June 2009? Or there's the PAYDOWN of the GOP-caused DEFICIT by 8% in the first months of 2010 (Reuters, Washington Post articles, also on MSNBC). Children up to age 26 can now remain on their parents' health care policies (PPACA and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act), and college students can now make DIRECT LOW-INTEREST LOANS through the Department of Education---something big banks are not at all happy about (learn more at whitehouse.gov). Lots and lots of nation-saving achievements can be credited to President Obama and the Democrats, but how about this one: The tracking down and subsequent killing of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden? And there's much much more...
The stimulus provided 3 million jobs, he wants to end the bush tax cuts to the rich, he's kept us safe, he's killed two dozen top terrorists, with our military's aid. He doesn't believe that corporations are people, he's deported more illegals than any other president, he's held businesses accountable for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, he overturned dadt, he is a solid, moral family man who values his wife and doesn't cheat on her, he wants banking regulations, he understands that climate change is happening, he supports alternative energy, he believes in freedom of religion and doesn't propose banning mosques or McCarthy-like trials against people who believe differently than he does......
Republican party has gone completely off the deep end. After collaborating with Wall Street to profit hugely off creative bad loans, they sat back end encouraged even higher risk credit default swaps and finished their performance by draining the treasury of 1.4 trillion dollars and just handing it over. The only explanation they can be bothered to even make is shouting "socialist!" at anyone who asks about it. And why not? Shouting "terrorist!" at everyone worked pretty good for them. And now you have these campaigns with every R. candidate trying to flatten the tax code and deliver social security to the Wall Street interests mentioned above.