Rate my budget Prophecy deck?


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Black Luster Soldier
Effect Veiler x 2
Fortune Lady Dark x 3
High Priestess of Prophecy x 2
Justice of Prophecy x 2
Reaper of Prophevy (I know it's not out yet but when it does I will be running it)
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy x 2
Stoic of Prophecy
Strength of Prophecy x 2
Temperance of Prophecy x 3

Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Heavy Storm
Magical Dimension
Spellbook of Eternity
Spellbook of fate
Spellbook of Life x 2
Spellbook of power x 3
Spellbook of secrets x 3
Spellbook of Wisdom x 3
Spellbook of Star Hall
Grand Spellbook Tower

Royal Decree x 2

On a side note. I know some of these cards are super expensive but I get some through trading and I don't have some right now. But tell me what ya think. I'm fine with whatever critique I get cause I use it to better my decks:p

Generic Rank 4-5 xyz monsters. Both Prophecy xyzs and 3 generic synchros incase i ever need to summon veiler.
Thank you for the offer but I currently am out of trade foder. I used most of it already to get my Hieratic cards and some Prophecy cards. The rest are going to a friend for a High Priestess that he has. Trading for these cards is killer lol.