Randomly Blurred Vision?


May 16, 2008
My problem started back in March. I was walking back to my car after running some errands at nighttime. All of a sudden, I had no peripheral vision in my left eye. The condition lasted for a good 45 minutes. I thought it was just a freak incident and didn't think much of it afterwards.

Since, I've had similar experiences two times. Once when I was sitting in my living room and I had tunnel vision in both of my eyes, and another when I was walking through the supermarket recently, and it felt like I had stared too long at a bright light, because everything I was seeing--or trying to--was whited out. In both instances, I got an excruciating headache right behind my eyes--I'm assuming because my eyes were straining to see properly.

I thought maybe it could be my sugar levels, but I ate a good amount of carbs on all three days. I've made an appointment with my doctor, but she cannot see me until the end of October. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!