R&P: Battle of the ice cream flavors! (Yes, it's music related)?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Ben and Jerry's have ice cream flavors called "Cherry Garcia" and "Phish Food."
Cherry Garcia is named after Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead, and Phish Food is named after the band Phish.

So my question is, which flavor do you like better?
Cherry Garcia: http://benandjerrys.com/our_products/flavorWorld.cfm?p=7684010015
or Phish Food? http://benandjerrys.com/our_products/flavorWorld.cfm?p=7684010098

MQ 1 -- Favorite song by either band.
MQ 2 -- Favorite song about food / name of a food in the title.

In case you're wondering why I'm asking this, I'm eating Cherry Garcia ice cream right now. :]
haha.. this is an original question.. nice..

i prefer phish food.. because i've never tried the other one..

i don't really listen to phish so i can't pick a favorite song from them.. as for the grateful dead.. "ripple" or "brokedown palace"..

led zeppelin - "tangerine"
2.Insents And Pepper Mint-Strawberry Alarm Clock
Extra-Drink-Sweet Cherry Wine-Tommy James and the Shondells
if that counts as a food