quiz XD Do it if you want =]?



Waffles or Pancakes? Waffles <3

Coffee or Hot Chocolate? I can't stand coffee...so Hot Chocolate

Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Hamburgers

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi xD

Water or Lemonade? Water

Mexican food or Italian food? Italian food

Fries or Tater Tots? Fries

Apples or Bananas? Both <3

Rihanna or Fergie? Do I have to pick? I dont listen to either o_O

Rap or Pop? Pop

Rainy Day or Sunny Day? Sunny =D

Math or English? English

Science or Maths? Science

Christmas or Halloween? Christmas

Sport Lover or Lazy Bum? Lazy Bum =P

Do you like this quiz? not really
Caffeine rules
Rainy Days
Science (darn, I hate math)
Christmas (we don't celebrate Halloween in here)
Lazy Burn (but I do play sports... I'm just lazy)
Let me think about that
Waffles. Mmmm I want breakfast!

Hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate, and dislike coffee.

Coke. Almost everyone I know likes Coke, and Dan Radcliffe likes Coke. Lol, I'm talking about Coke the pop, not Coke the drug.


Apples. Juicier.

Ugh. I don't really like either. Rihanna.

Pop. I can't stand rap, and pop isn't as horrible. I don't like pop as much as I like rock, though.

Sunny, but not too sunny.

English. Math is boring and easy. English is my favorite subject.

Christmas. I love celebrating Jesus. Halloween is my second favorite holiday, though.

Sport lover. I don't LOVE sports, but I'm definitely not lazy.

Yeah, it was great.
Waffles or Pancakes? Pancakes

Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Coffee

Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Hamburgers

Coke or Pepsi? RC

Water or Lemonade? Water

Mexican food or Italian food? Thai

Fries or Tater Tots? Fries

Apples or Bananas? Neither

Rihanna or Fergie? Who?

Rap or Pop? R&B, 70's

Rainy Day or Sunny Day? Overcast

Math or English? English

Science or Maths? Science

Christmas or Halloween? Christmas

Sport Lover or Lazy Bum? Geek, artist

Do you like this quiz? not really