Quiz time! What is your ......?

1. Grilled Chicken with a salad with ranch dressing
2. Chocalate
3. Drew Barrymore
4. I believe I can fly
5. 3 doors down
6. All American Girl
7. Baseball
8. Art
1. Loaded Baked Potato Soup
2.Timberlodge SteakHouse Brownies
3.Julia Roberts
4.You Are Beautiful
5. Kejuan Barnes
6.The Long Walk
1- chicken trio at Carrabbas
2- i dont eat sweets much... but maybe chocolate pudding
3- kat von d
4- boro boro by arash
5- flyleaf
6-angels and demons
8- smoking the good stuff or drinking
1.) Pasta
2.) Cheesecake
3.) don't have one
4.) Flo Rida-"Low"
5.) Don't have one....well maybe T-Pain
6.) Don't have one
7.) Cheer Leading
8.) IDK =0)
1. lo mien or salad
2. lime jello with banana slices
3. not sure
4. sorrow by flyleaf
5. Lacey Mosley
6. not sure
7. basketball.. but only street basketball.. i dont like the whole stadium thing..
8. answer your questions
1. Anything my mom cooks
2. Ice cream
3. Too many to think of
4. Burning Love by Elvis Presley (i'm actually a rock/punky person)
5. I prefer band
6. I don't read much
7. Basketball
8. Sleep and watch TV
i hope you dance
taylor swift
i'm not into the books...lol
come on y!a
1. meal: Lasagna
2. dessert: Tiramisu
3. t.v.star: Lucy Lui, Jennie Garth
4. song: Our Song
5. singer: Taylor Swift
6. book: Pride & Prejudice
7. sport: Figure skating
8. way to past the time: movies, books, Y!A
1. carbs (pastas)
2. Cookie dough ice cream
3. I have a few but not one that is on top
4. Depends on my mood
5. See #4
6. Anarchist's Cookbook
7. Combat soccer
8. Reply to forums :D