Quit smoking help !!?


Jun 24, 2008
Hey everyone , I quit smoking around 3 months ago , I was a horrible smoker for 4 years , around 2 packs a day sometimes 3. When I quit I noticed a little difficultly in breathing. Just recently this week I made an accident and fell back into the trap and smoked around 2 pack and a black N mild and I can't breath at all , it's hard for me to swallow , it's hard to take small or deep breaths at that. I am now starting over and not smoking anymore. Sidenote as well I doesn't bother me when I'm working or even working out only when I am idle or laying down. Could this be my lungs where healing from the months I stayed clean and are now super irrated since I put smoke on them again ? I know everyone is gonna say go see a doctor but my doc is a quack job and the E.R are just pill pushers. Btw I am 19 years old so I know my body is more subject to heal and I didn't smoke for a long period of time , I just smoked a heavy amount in the later two years of it. As well I have taken a detox , and am drinking 10 mason jars or more of water a day , alongside taking herbs to reverse damage to lungs like oil of oregeno and vitamin respiodrty health , and drinking breathe easy teas everyday , also my diet as a lot of raw garlic and onions in it (they aide in reversing lung damage by putting oxygen in the blood) any help would be appreciated thank you .