Question from a newbie: Should I stretch *before* running?


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Some people tell me to stretch before and after running; some say only afterward. What's your view, please? (I'm just getting started, if that makes a difference.)

Before! You have to warm up your muscles or you could end up pulling something try doing criss cross toe toutches for 30 secs each, you'll feel the burn but it will help you out so much! Also stretch after too, because if you don't it'll leave you on a bad note, stretching is so important in running!
Dynamic stretching is best if you want to stretch before a run because static stretching is actually shown to not help as much. Dynamic stretching is when you are stretching while walking or being active vs static stretching when you are for example sitting or standing still when stretching. Also the link posted at the source might help you understand a little bit more. Hope this helps!
well what i do since I'm new to running as well is a warm up lap followed by drills then stretches then i run and finally stretches but i always forget to stretch afterwards.. :p
oh and I ice my shins
You should always stretch before and after running. Before so you can warm up your muscles, get the kinks out, and after mainly to minimize the aches and pains after your run. More stretching can only lead to better overall feeling and wellbeing.
When I was new to running I would follow a 10 min stretch on youtube that practically left me with no pain after my runs, I am including it in case you need help with stretches as well.
Good luck and keep at it!