Question for Liberals who keep complaining about the war in Iraq?

I have a better question for the Dim Libs.

Why would someone who complained about a country being drug to war by its government allow that same government to reform the whole health care system for a country when only ~12% don't have insurance?

They must never have heard about non-profit hospitals.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it is free.

one thing never talked about in the health care debate is what if you debilitating disease was brought on completely by your choices and lifestyle?

50% of black women have an STD by the time they are 20.

I shouldn't have to pay for the fact they can't close their legs and breed with every boner that comes along.
The Taliban of Afghanistan harbored and gave material aid to al-Qaeda. They provided training bases, weapons, and even allowed al-Qaeda operatives to travel on diplomatic passports. They were an important factor in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks. We demanded that they turn Osama bin-Laden over for prosecution, and they refused.

The Taliban and al-Qaeda are still threats.

Iraq was not a threat. It was not sponsoring terrorism, it was not building WMD, and in fact al-Qaeda had targeted the Ba'athist government for being too secular and allowing women equal rights.

The war in Iraq was based solely on George W. Bush's obsession with the nation and his desire to outdo his father.
Oh, where do I begin. . .

The biggest is that the War in Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all along. All of the intelligence stated that the terrorist cells were in Afghanistan, and if we had been full-boar in Afghanistan in the first place, I am willing to bet that 9/11 would have been something that hadn't happened the way it did. Al Qaeda hide out in the mountains of Afghanistan; they did back then. Bush was either too proud or too stupid to see that, and he did what he wanted to get a war in another nation started. That is hardly something that is honorable.

I know many veterans that fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The difference? Those from Afghanistan know what it is all about - they did since day one. Those in Iraq are still trying to figure out what exactly they were doing. I am from a military family, and they all have different reasons that the same war is bing fought. How is that a just war?

Looking at the New York Yankees, they all know what their objective is when they walk out of the club house and onto the field. There aren't 9 different opinions on what their objective is. When your troops - the team - don't know what they are fighting for, it tends to cause the team to lose. I hope I am wrong, but unfortunately, past experience states otherwise.
The war in Iraq was over mis lead info on weapons of mass destruction. The war in Afghan was over catching osma bin laden. Sorry im not a lib.
Good question because I haven't seen any outrage, any demonstrations, any vile comments about spilling American blood on Afghan soil. I guess that must be because it's Obama's war which means dead American soldiers are okay as long as the political reasons are in their favor. Pretty sad if you ask me.
The war in Iraq is wrong and the war in Afghanistan deserved more attention.

"Notice how they aren't complaining anymore. Keith Olberman told them to stop."

Notice how the cons don't support the war in Iraq anymore. Just because we are staying in Iraq doesn't mean we support it. We have no choic but to stay there now because of the CIA lying scumbags and Republicans.
They are both about protecting the interests of the US and her allies: control of the world's oil markets.

Without oil, the West would collapse, and the last thing the world's last superpower and the coalition want is for the Islamic nations to be in a position to bargain.
All during the Clinton administration, Iran kept feeding misinformation to the CIA and other intelligence agencies, to the effect that Iraq had all sorts of WMD. This information was passed on to the Bush administration, who should not have believed it

However, Saddam did use military gas against the Kurdish people. Friends of mine who were in the first Gulf War, have told me that they had actually seen mustard gas in Kuwait. Remember the mysterious illness that so many of the first Gulf War vets had? It may well have been mustard gas, because no mention of this illness has come out of Iraq for the whole time the second war has been going on.

And yes, Al Qaeda has been hiding in Afghanistan since they got kicked out of Libya.
Afghanistan attacked us (more literally, they harbored the people that attacked us).

I don't keep complaining about Iraq either. I complained about the reason for starting it, but I realize the damage that would come from an immediate and total withdrawal.