Question about iphone, Samsung Eternity; please help!?!?


Apr 16, 2008
OK so i have my moms really old ipod 30GB ipod. It sucks, it won't turn on half the time, the other half it only works for like 10 or 20 minutes. So I was going to buy myself one of those new ipod 16gb nanos. But it cost $200 for the one i want (please don't give me sites for cheaper ipods, this is the one i want). I went to the phone store with my mom yesterday and she said she would give me $150 for a phone. I played with the Eternity for awhile and really liked it! I also like the iphone. I play with my mom's all the time and its really cool! So if i was going to spend $200 on a 16gb ipod, then why not get the 16gb iphone? But it costs $30 extra a month. But i get $50 a month from my Dad, so that could pay for the extra bills. But is the iphone worth it?? I researched the iphone some more and it said that it cant get picture messages and that really sucks. But the Eternity doesn't have a cool app store like the iphone. The Eternity also has a an awesome camera! I LOVE to take pictures and videos. And the iphone hold music from itunes. But which phone is more durable?? And should i just get the Eternity and then the ipod?? Help please!! I'm so confused!!

By the way I am 13.
For such an advanced phone, the iPhone doesn't do as much as cheap, crappy phones do. Like you said, it doesn't send pic messages. It also doesn't have bluetooth. I'd say get the Eternity and an iPod. The Eternity is one of the newest phones in AT&T and doesn't have the $30 fee. You'll want to spend your $50 on something else, believe me.
Alright, iPhone vs Eternity.

The iPhone has a more touch sensitive screen and the user interface is ridiculously easier to use than the Eternity. (I played with my friend's Eternity for about 30 minutes and then finally gave up due to the not so sensitive touch screen)

The iPhone can sync with iTunes and the Eternity can't.

The iPhone has a wider selection of cases and accessories.

The iPhone has coverflow =p

In my opinion the Eternity feels cheap in your hands. It's plastic and the back is also plastic even though it is made to mimic a brushed aluminum finish.

I would go with the iPhone. I'm not an apple fanboy but I can say that between the iPhone and the Eternity, the iPhone wins. I'm also not a samsung basher because I own a samsung. (blackjack II, i like windows mobile)

(just a sidenote, i'm pretty sure that with the iPhone you have to get an individual plan. the data plan is required and the texting plan is an addition that will cost more money, so if you have enough money then go for it)

Oh, and another phone you might want to take a look at is the HTC Fuze.
OMG! Thats crazyyy! I had the same situation like a week ago! Only not the part about the iPod hahaha...but anyway, at the store I decided to get the 16 gig white iPod. Its amazing! Like i wanted the eternity at the store, (it was black friday) but the guy helping us and my dad convinced me to get the iPhone. My dad got the same one! I seriously havent left it out of my sight...its my life now! The free apps are amazing and sooo fun! Also, i love having my iPod! You dont even need head phones because of the built in speaker, and the headphones have a microphone so you dont need a bluetooth. Im 13 too btw, and trust me, you will LOVEE the iphone! I can't even describe its amazingness early christmas present ever :) btw, im on the unlimited data plan which is expensive, but worth it times 10!

Good luck!
-Casey <3