Question about fighting and arguing around a almost 11 week old baby?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
So as of right now I had to move back in with my mom and step dad after I had my son. He was born almost 7 week premature.
My mom and step dad have argued and fought sense I was little and nothing has changed, I'm pretty sure they hate one another and have only stayed together because they have grown comfortable with one another, I think their main issue may have been the fact that his parents kid napped my half sister and brother when they were both infants. Anyways they still fight and argue and they just never seem happy, Now I have heard that when parents fight it upsets the baby....
Is this true for any couple in the home with the infant? Is this going to effect my son in some way? Will it effect his development? He is on oxygen and an apnea monitor and seems to have issues with these things when they are arguing, does this have anything to do with one another?