Question about blue ray?


May 14, 2008
Can you play dvds in a blue ray player im getting a lot of dvds but don't want to get more if they are going to become obsolete like vhs i really don't think they had to improve on dvds vhs was another story though
I've got a Sony blue ray player and it plays dvds just fine. It also plays cds as well.
Yes you can just play DVD's in blu-ray players. You can even upscale them. Once you've seen blu-ray you never want lesser quality. So I would get a blu-ray player that can upscale the DVD's (like the playstation 3).

Really get a blu-ray player. It can still play all your DVD's.

(Blu-ray contains higher definition video because it has more space. There's more space because a blue laser is smaller than a red laser and therefore it will burn smaller pieces so you can fit more on one disc. But the blu-laser can ofcourse read bigger marks created by a red laser.)