Question about a premonition?


May 22, 2008
I have a question, and i want a truthful answer, no stupid people saying premonitions dont exist. They do.
If you have a premonition about a complete stranger, and get a strong feeling that it may come true and their life is in danger, would you tell them, even though it would make you look like a freak?

I have them every so often when someone i care about is in danger, and i had one about a girl i saw at the mall the other day, she was getting out of a white Mustang, and wearing a pink and yellow striped shirt. I saw her in the backseat of the car, getting into an accident and she flew foward, smashed her head against the roof of the car and fell back, bleeding and unconscious. I knew she would think of me as a freak if i told her, so i just walked away and hoped it wouldnt come true. That night, i saw a report on the news that showed her picture and said she had died in a car accident, a rollover concerning a white Mustang. If you have a premonition about a total stranger, is it protocol to warn them? Especially if it is a life/death matter?
this is absolutely true. It would take a pretty sick person to make this up. And these visions (for lack of better word) are not something i can just tune into whenever it takes my fancy, im not a TV. they happen when im daydreaming or asleep, and if it is vivid i know there is a really good chance it will come true. THink of it this way, if i had one about YOU, would you want to know?