Q for Catholics: what is the Catholic word for when you "bargain with God"?


New member
Oct 28, 2008
I am not Catholic. and usually I am silly on YA but i'm for real this time.

Let me elaborate: I used to be in field of nursing. I had met several people who upon hearing catastrophic news, would offer some kind of bargain or sacrifice to God in the hopes of Him performing a miracle.
One woman I met, her cancer disappeared and she gave credit to it being a miracle. she told me she told God she would give up sex forever if He would heal her. It worked apparently. (although i dont think her husband was too happy)

I met other people who made some kind of sacrifice, be it sex, a food, gambling, alcohol, etc....I heard several 'success stories'.
I'm sure it doesn't always work though.

My ex mother in law is expected to die soon. I prayed and meditated about it and figured I'd give it a shot. I told Him I would give up chocolate for 1 year if He would spare her life and give her more time. It's not just a ritual for me, I sincerely love the woman and chocolate is a food group to me so it is a sacrifice. I am completely devoted to my promise to follow thru with my end. I am already craving a cafe mocha but I will hold fast.
to merry christmas- you are an ignorant fool. my story is not fake. she has liver cancer and my kids are sitting up here crying because their grandma is dieing and they wish they could have more time with her. theyve only met her twice becuase she lives in mexico. I assure you, your is not my God. you are an azz.
to ?- i was just there yesterday, i am a christian, i already dialogue. thank you.
rubber girl- are you out of your mind?
this section is too serious for me!

give up chocolate? girl, have you lost it? why not give up sex?

EDIT: now THAT'S the real BC!
I have never heard of someone "Bargaining with God" and I doubt very much that such a thing would really work. As A Roman Catholic, I know that if you do not have serious sin on your soul your prayers are heard than if you have serious sin on your soul which by your own sin separates you from God. If you repent of your sins (you have to really mean it) and offer sufferings on your ( or your loved ones) behalf (if going without chocolate is serious torture for you, than that might work, remember redemptive suffering is not a new concept in Catholic and christian teachings, Christ suffered to redeem us) then I am sure that God would look on your plea with a loving and open heart. I think that in today's culture suffering for someone else seems bizarre, however, self denial and self induced discipline strip away selfish comforts and re focus our thinking. As with all efforts, a half hearted prayer won't get you anywhere, but even if your mother in law passes away (which I offer my condolences to you) after your fervent prayer and offerings, it does not mean God was ignoring you. Sometimes we just cannot see His plan and do not understand why things have to happen in ways we don't agree with. The best thing you can do with this situation is let yourself not be indentured to God trying to bargain with him for your Mother in Law's life, but genuinely just open yourself up to God's love, let Him fill your life and enter into a true dialogue with Him. He'd appreciate seeing you in Church every Sunday way more than you not having that mocha.
It works just fine when your bargain is to shed your sinful habits. I promised God to give up smoking (40-60 smokes) and drinking alcohol in exchange for the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that I could Glorify Him in using these gifts. Thanks to God for hearing and answering me. He blessed me with a gift of tongues, healing, deliverance and prophecy. Is there anymore you can ask for?

And there is no particular term. It is between you and God. You want to call it a contract? Be it. God looks at the intents of your heart.

Also your ex-mother-in-law story looks fake. How do I know?

Thank you God you are an awesome God.
There is no such thing as "bargaining with God" in Catholicism. However I do know what you are referring to. Some Catholics will promise to do a particular work or make a particular change in their lives in thanksgiving for God's providing something they have requested of Him. Such a promise however is not intended to "convince" or "coerce" God into acting. Others may make such a change in their lives in thanksgiving for a gift from God without promising to do so before the fact.
If God is the determinent of "true" religon. If He is ultimate reality. If some people reject him and his way, who is causeing the conflict' God (religon) or the dissenters?
I think it is called "desperation" because most people start bargaining with God when they get desperate.

I am Catholic but I have never heard an official term for this. In either case it is not a doctrine of faith, that is, an official teaching of the Catholic church.

Many people do this...
In a religious sense it might be called an "offering" or if it was for something you DID and not for someone else, you might call it a "penance"

Suffice to say, you are "sacrificing" something for someone else. There is no specific term for this.. you are merely offering up a sacrifice to God for the sake of someone else.
This does not guarantee it will work, but it is at the very least "selfless" of you which is a Christian virtue.

However, God doesn't work like that..so he won't MERELY save some one because you sacrificed something. However, your sign of faith, is a good thing.. in and of itself. God does allow us to intercede on someone else's behalf..thus we can ask on someone's behalf and if it is in unity with God's will and honorable.. he may very well decide to answer your prayer in the way you want him to.
He answers ALL prayers.. but not always with a "yes" sometimes his answer is NO, as would be the case if you ex-mother-in-law ended up dieing.

God allows some suffering to occurr in this life..and we can't be sure exactly why on any individual basis. Overall, suffering can teach us a lot about ourselves, our faith, and others around us. It is a chance for us to come together as a family or a community. We are often times at our best...when we are facing life's trials. Therefore good can come from hardship..but that doesn't make it any easier to go thru. We often times only realize the good well after we have gone thru all the turmoil.

So I can't say offering up a sacrifice will change the outcome..but at the very least it may make you feel like you are doing everything you can AND is altruistic and thus a GOOD thing.

However, let me clarify that the Catholic church doesn't teach that one can "bargain" with God. - Not going to find that in Catholic doctrine. -- Though many people will try anything out of desperation.

God Bless and I wish your ex-mother-in-law the BEST.
We don't bargain with God.

When we give up anything for God it is a sacrifice of our time and a focus on the almighty to beseech Him for the healing of your loved one. Prayer is what works. Not bargaining. Bargaining is a Hollywood version of cynicism with God. Where they think that God is involved in an economy with people.

Exchange theory is one that i think Marx came up with, where people (for instance)marry each other according to how many benefits come from the union. It is pretty cynical. We don't exchange with God.
I am Catholic, and I have never heard of the phrase "bargain with God". There is what is called pentance, I believe it's called. Like giving up eating meat for Lent on Friday's, fasting, etc.

It's not meant to be "Tit for tat". I give up this, so you give me this, type of thing. It's meant to show your own personal sacrifice to God, just like Jesus was a sacrifice to us. It's basically meant as carrying your own "personal cross" in our every day lives. It is doing what Jesus did in our own little, personal way. You are not supposed to "get" something for it. And if there are people that think the way you described they probably don't understand it.