public display of affection aka PDA, yay or nay?


May 17, 2008
I don't like PDA whether it be hetero or gay. Hand holding and hugging is fine with me but kissing in public i don't like. My girlfriend hates me for this, what can i do?
Definitely no gay, and i really do hate it when I'm talking to my friend and his girl comes up and he just starts ignoring me to make out.
Compromising is always a good step. I have dated a lot of people that dislike PDA and some that have liked it. I think it is fine and nice sometimes, and I don't mind seeing other people doing it either, as long as it doesn't look like they are about to have sex or something... To many people, it shows that you care about them if you are willing to be affectionate in front of other people. I know others prefer all the affection to be private, because it makes it more special. You should talk to her about the reasons you dislike PDA, and maybe she will understand more. It wouldn't hurt to kiss her every now and then in public either, as long as they are short kisses and not obnoxiously making out.

And for the person that said 'definitely no gay', that is rather rude and immature. I'll kiss girls or guys in public, doesn't matter to me. <3 Love is love~