Prince Charles to Marry


New member
Apr 14, 2008
This story doesn't mean a whole lot to us here in the United States; but this is a really big deal over there in England... Prince Charles to marry Camilla Parker Bowles.

So tell me is it a big deal?
Big enough deal for me to know what I will be doing that day!

Stood on a beech fishing to get away from it, like dad did for his last wedding!
Can I ask why it is a big deal...I never really understood the continuing existence of royalty. I do not intend offense, I just do not get it.
i couldn't believe my ears today when i heard the news on the radio.i thought it was war of the worlds all over again.thought it was a hoax!the bad thing is that they deserve each other,both boring sods!hope the queen is not subscribed to this web site.i'll check the members list for any queens ha ha !
Its not just england its the UK including wales, scottland and nouthern ireland. Besides does anyone really care?
ROFLMAO ... I bet you could!

anyway, just wanted to point out that Charles and Camilla will be married in a civil ceremony, not in the Church of England (or is it the Church of UK? ), and that Parker Bowles will be called Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall after the marriage, and called the princess consort, not the Queen, when Charles becomes king.
It's been on the news here all day - I'm so bored of it already. What's the chances of them selling their wedding snaps to OK! or Hello! magazine?
holyheadjch - I agree! It will be all over the news and we wont be able to escape it. Now I cant even come on MAP to escape it!

Hehe...I guess not. I just wanted to be careful since some people apparently take it pretty serious, and I don't want to guess which ones. I am just still confused by it all.
"Wait come back Gaskell ..!!! Leave it to me to bring this up huh?

Heck if it makes you feel better, I felt the same way with all the Bush/Kerry threads months back.
No it's not the church of UK as there are seperate churches in scotland, ireland and wales. Although they are all anglican, much like the episcopalian church in te US.
It's just because when he becomes king he will be the head of the church of england, some factions of whom dont approve of remarriage after divorce.
But no, it doesnt really affect anyone.