Pride and prejudice questions,please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


New member
Mar 4, 2011
i did almost all my homework, i just need a little help please!!!

1. What does the reader know and Charlotte begin to suspect at this point in the novel, regarding Darcy and Elizabeth?

2)10. How does Kitty benefit from her sisters' marriages?
3) What is the result of Lady Catherine's interference?

thank you,,,
It depends on the reader. Obviously, Charlotte knows the whole time, as she's the writer, duh.

Kitty does benefit from her sister knowing Mr. Darcy, but they aren't married at this time.
Mr. Darcy pays for her wedding, and pays her new husband all the money he's wasted.

Lady Catherine interferes, resulting in Elizabeth admitting to herself, and ultimately, Mr. Darcy how she feels about him.