Pretentious posts

Profesh writes like he speaks. He has a large vocab and an amazing grasp of the English language. I think people like him should be applauded for actually having a rich and varied vocabulary. I enjoy reading his posts because I learn meanings of words I didn't know before. He doesn't do it to be ostentatious or to give his posts weight, he does it just because he enjoys using a large range of words.

Personally, I hate people who think that using large words is ostentatious or pretentious. Since when was it so bad to have a varied vocabulary? Imagine that, knowing your own language reasonably well, horrible.
I don't judge people by their posts in an Internet forum:H
I also see nothing wrong with someone being articulate- in fact it's something to be admired.
Nah, I honestly do love good grammar and articulate expression of ideas...I can see how it might come across that I want everyone to have brains made out of toilet paper. I don't think *I* articulated myself well in my first post though. I had been reading through some posts and (maybe it's just too late for my brain) I felt the language used just took away from the point. I agree it is obviously better than being illiterate (!) but I just wanted to see what others thought too, that's all! Sometimes I just think that the mot effective points are also the most simple if that makes sense.
Thanks :) I suppose I am quite humorous. :p: But I must protest. :# It wasn't meant to be profound. You silly sausage.
When I read posts that use really long words and lots and lots of them I go

:lolwut: :eek:mg:
I wouldn't mind a guide on how to 'fluke' it into OxBridge if anyone's got one going.
lol this is so true, there are a TON of pretentious people on this forum with a stick up their arse, no one wants to read a 3 page novel on a forum entailing someone's "views"
Thank you! Can you see that I'm not attacking having a good vocabulary or being able to structure a sentence, but just dislike reading lines and lines of word soup when one short, concise paragraph would have nailed the point? There is a difference between eloquence and waffle!