Presidential Inauguration or Hollywood Awards Ceremony?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I'm curious.... Since when has the Presidential inauguration become the next Emmy/Grammy/Oscar {you fill in your preference} awards ceremony. I don't recall any other Presidential inauguration being this much of a "hollywood extravaganza". It's almost sickening to me and it seems that because of it, it's completely lost it's meaning and purpose.

What are your thoughts???
To Kal S: Yes I am rather educated and have watched my fair share of Presidential inauguration. I've seen it glamorized, what dress the first lady will wear.... how they family will re-decorate that white house family quarters.....

I'm just wondering why this one was so much more dramatized

That and I'm curious as to what kind of carbon foot print a $170 billion {give or take} Presidential inauguration ceremony is going to leave.
TO Sparkey: I agree that they {celebrities} had every right to be there if they voted for & support him. I'm just talking about the day as a whole... BIG production, more so than any other.

P.S. To Everyone else: Thank you for your honesty, this was just for curiosity sake and discussion.

Here's to {hopefuly} a good and productive 4 years
They voted for him, they support him, they attended ... they ARE Americans too. (Celebrity or not.)
if you're acting like this is the first time that politics has been glamorized or made into a spectacle, then you must not be very old or very smart.
I was thinking the same thing. It seemed like everybody in hollywood was there. Totally agree.
My thoughts are Mr. Inauguration was a mess has answered every question I have and he is making me laugh. I concur sir.
A perfect waste of taxpayers money. I guess we know what Obama really stands for and it isn't what is in the best interest of the people. Otherwise, he would have chosen to have a small indoor ceremony like some other presidents have.