Presentation about Shorinji Kempo?


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Hello there~
I have to give a talk about Shorinji Kempo for my next PE class. Unfortunately I have no idea what to do. I stopped Shorinji Kempo three years ago, I forgot all the techniques and so on. I tried to google a little bit but couldn't find anything. I have to talk about the history (which isn't that difficult) but also teach some basics. Anyone there who can give me a word of advice? Like which basics are the most important and so on? I read that you have to scream something when you use soft/ defensive techniques and 'Ah' when you use hard techniques. True or not?

Thanks. :)

I've done this style, so I'll just tell you the history and so on. hope this helps dude.

Shorinji kempo-menas shaolin temple, when about 2000 years ago a monk came to Japan and told the techniques.

Basics- mainly combination of throws, pressure points, sparring techniques.
Choose a different subject rather than give false information and teach techniques wrong. If all you can remember is screaming you obviously didn't learn much or remember much. People like you do a great injustice to martial arts by doing presentations and teaching something they obviously don't understand and that takes many years to be good at.
If anything limit yourself to the history.