power of a high school security guard...?

yea were alowed to check in during the 10th graders exit exam as long as were in school by 10:45

but really just wait till they come over to your table and offer them hte sweet pancakes and if they're really fat they'll except and you're off the hook.
say fuck off were excused, even if your not... unless hes a cop(ours is) he cant do shit to you away from school i would imagine.

and by "majority of upperclass" u mean you and ur cousin right?
If you want to have a 100% chance to not get caught, how about instead of waking up and going to eat at Dennys at 9, then go to school at 10 ... how about you just sleep in until 9:45, then go to school? Breakfast is overrated, I haven't had it for 8+ years.
where im from, when you skip school, you just skipped school what the fuck kind of place fines someone for skipping?
my schools security guards can't do pretty much anything past telling people to take hats goods and earphones off in the hallways, and if they tell you to you just have to take it off for like 10 feet then put it back on because they don't care, its pretty stupid. Due to our schedules I pass the vp in the hall everyday, and I always have headphones on, and he just says good morning.
We had yesterday and today off for "College Visitation" while the Freshmen and Sophomores take the FCAT (Florida something something testing.) Everyone decided to take one of our 5 College Visitation days (we can use these whenever we want them during the year) on Monday so we've had a 5 day weekend. It's all counting as SSA (School Sponsored Activity) I love how everyone believes that everyone else in the world has the exact same rules and regulations as their school district. :rolleyes:

Just figured I'd throw that out there. :dodgyrun:
My school does the same thing,I just skipped two weeks ago and me and my buddy are chillen at waffle house when the school pig shows up. He kinda walked around, and must have noticed us eying him up, he approached and asked if we were supposed to be in school.

We just told him we were college kids :tup:
Wear a fake beard with some aviators.

Regardless.. they cant physically touch you so grab your video cam and have some fun with them..
Say you're all home schooled. And no, they have no power if they are hired by the school.
Then if it's excused why the fuck are you asking about it? Use your fucking head. Or ask a principal, not ST.
i've blatently left school grounds cause i didnt feel like attending the rest of the day (i felt sick)

the school "officer :dodgy:" saw me at the walgreens down the street and came into talk to me.

He just started talking about truancy, i just walked by him and completely ignored him. Then i went out to my car, and got in. he came up to my window and started in again. I told him he had no jurisdiction outside a school zone, and drove off.

nothing came about from it.
Since your not on school property I don't think they have any power I could be wrong though.

If anything just tell them your home schooled or you go to a charter school