possible pregnancy and just started a martial art :/?


May 13, 2008
i have been ttc for just over 5 months and i have just started doing taekwon-do (my boyfriend and his family all do it so i jumped at the chance) i think i had what was implantation spotting last week and i have been having some signs...i have had a mixed of responses some people say it will be fine just dont let anyone punch your stomach and that it will make the birthing easier etc etc but others say that its a stupid idea and that it could put the baby in danger if i am pregnant...what do you think, i know i should talk to a doctor but recently moved and havent registered yet??
If you think you might be pregnant wouldn't it be a smart idea to stop doing that?
You're trying to conceive, but you started martial arts? With a statement like that, you shouldn't be trying to get pregnant at all.