-poll / survey- How do u organize your dvd and/or blu-ray collection


Sep 23, 2010
when space is an issue? -bq- How many dvd's do you have?
-bq2- How many blu-rays do u have?
I take all the movies/blue rays that I don't want and exchange them at movie stop. I know its a ripoff, but its good for me since I am trying to get rid of some movies, so I take 5 movies, usually dvds, and exchange them for 1 or 2 blue rays.

I have about 100 dvds and about 30 blue rays.
I rarely buy anymore between having Netflix, Comcast OnDemand and being Really Irked that there are no special features in rental films.
maybe 50 DVD and 25 BluRay, I might buy if I like a movie as much as I did john carter or the hunger games or several if at a dollar store or included in a cereal box.

also I think of all the hundreds of VHS I bought before getting Cable and Netflix and thinking of how archaic they are and how I donated most of the ones that weren't animated to Salvation Army

mostly the ones I don't plan to use soon are in a box or bookcase