POLL: Does south park make you laugh....alot?


New member
Aug 5, 2008
i mean, i laugh so much at some of the episodes..

do you like the new or old episodes better??

i think the awesom-o episode is hilarious :( Lmao
the first season only. I was llike in 8th grade so yeah back then it was funny. now not so much.
South Park makes me Rofllmao.
I haven't really watched the old episodes.
'Make Love Not Warcraft' is what really started me on SP and now I'm hooked.
yes they do... I liked episodes such as those from season 6, 8 or 9 then they became unfunny... but the latest episodes once again are pretty cool and funny
The older episodes are the best these new ones aren't that funny there running out of jokes it happens when a show has been on so long like the Simpson's same thing there old shows were better
yes they do... I liked episodes such as those from season 6, 8 or 9 then they became unfunny... but the latest episodes once again are pretty cool and funny
i loved like hell in the 1st few seasons but until 5... things got to racist, im not like OMG they did that, like the nuns or americans who always have to kill something fun, i can see were they are coming from but i still find it like dam that's good tv :p i liked the fish sticks episode though