POLL:Best bottled water?

you dont have well water do you? i'm not saying bottled is a miracacle of health science, but for most people with well water, drinking it is a bad idea.
I'm sorry? Well water is dangerous? I drank that stuff for 18 years of my life, and I never got sick. In fact, I'd say it's BETTER than city water (and it usually is), because they put all sorts of Chlorine and crap in the city shit. You can sometimes smell it from several feet away, there's so much of it. Softened, well water tastes AMAZING. You can't beat it. It's fractions of a penny/gallon. Please, know what the FUCK you are talking about before dissing well water and praising your Fiji/Aquafina/Zephyr overpriced garbage.

Bottled water is a S-C-A-M.

I find it hilarious that people are arguing over different brands of bottled water. If there is any difference in the taste, it comes from the differrent chemicals that different municipal sources pour into them. It's a placebo, really. I really can't believe that there are this many people that pay a buck-twenty-five every time they want to hydrate themselves. The shit comes out of the ground, out of faucets, out of hoses. It's practically free! But you continue to pay your 125000% markup (considering that a bottle of tap is .1 cents, estimated) for the same shit. Unbelievable.
hey dipshit, did i say all well water? no. it depends on where you live. i have well water, and it's full of sulfur. and where did i praise bottled water? oh yeah, i didnt. pull your head out of your ass.

how bout instead of trying to put words in other peoples mouth you take the cock out of yours.
look at the websites for both
the websites look almost exactly the same and both types come in the exact same bottles for every size