Politically speaking, why do people complain but never do anything?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I have heard people complain about how bad the environment is, and how the government needs to fix it. Well, in a sense, the government is us. So why are these people not rallying for politicians who want green laws put in to place? People complain about the war, tax cuts for businesses, the congress, the lack of fast economic recovery, etc. And after doing so, they do not push for what they want

And this is NOT something that JUST Democrats or JUST Republicans do. People from all sides seem to love complaining for no constructive reason. Instead of calling democrats 'left-wing nut jobs' and republicans 'bible-thumping conservatives', why not actually contribute to what you want done for the country? Name-calling seems something better left to elementary school children.
Complaining is doing something in the sense that it occupies time and is a event. But it is not doing something in the sense that it does not CHANGE the thing people are complaining about. Unless you are a politician or in a debate - and even then, they usually use facts and not constant complaints with no proposed method to FIX what they are so upset about.
Jump to the Moon ... There are PLENTY of things to do to support any of those causes. Join organizations, fund groups, protest, support political campaigns of people who are for or against (whichever side you are on). You can't be that ignorant. Volunteers are needed for a reason.