Poem! Why are celebrities always criticized so harshly? What do you think?


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Being Human

When the moon smokes ocean waves of seaweed
Many stars watch with twinkling eyes
Resenting this “Sinful deed”
When Roses sip on torrents of rains
Blossoming into the night all drunk and disorderly
When they become wasted and their judgment wanes
Is it really that much worse than when we?
During latter seasons bees are constantly buzzing
For the sweet pollen of their life
Can we not realize they have feelings too
And stop cutting their beef with the blade of our knife?
We point the finger here and there
Desiring to know the when and where
If the cloak of heroism and high regard
These celebrities used to bear
Now has been battered and torn
Then may we explore the realms of humanity
May a new perspective be born
So they make mistakes but have you not done the same?
Does their celebrity status and their mountains of fame
Make them more or less inhuman than us?
If not,
Then what is with all of the blame and the fuss?
We write them into Novels of shame and disgrace
And put them on darkened bookshelves
Why must this pain continue for this unfortunate few
Can we even uphold these standards ourselves?
At one point or another
We have all made mistakes
So instead of beating them down with harsh words
Let us guide them through darkness
And with faith in God
May the light of Day be found

Ok, so I am seventeen years old and I have been noticing some wrongs in the world lol. Well, for one, why are celebrities, example, Michael phelps, looked down upon so harshly for making mistakes however big or little they are? I mean for petty things that we even do ourselves and I know that they are more in the spot light so it is more evident than when we but they are still human. Some people I know put celebs on pedistools that make them out to be holier than thou or Gods or something and then when they, say, do drugs, they are ripped apart.