Please read. Relationship advice.?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
We have been together for the past two years. Two weeks back we had an argument which she started and i ended it up saying bad stuff. I was very sorry for what i said and i told her to forgive me but she told me not to contact her. So after a week i contacted her and i apologized for what i said and we were back together and happy. After two days things were going really very good when she told our mutual friend to tell me not to contact her again. I was very shocked and surprised. So again i stopped contacting her. But i noticed one thing i gave her some flowers few days and she still kept the flowers after all this happened and i was happy to see the flowers in her house yesterday coz i went to the house when she was not there. She told our mutual friend that when ever we get back we always fight but in return i told the friend that i really love her and i ll work on the things and we will not argue again. So today i kept flowers again outside her house in the morning and i know she kept them. I really love her and i want our relationship to work out. My heart says that she loves me too. I don't know whats going on. But after she accepting flowers and chocolates; i think she still loves me. Please advice whats going on. Really love her