please rate my essay about religion if you have the time ?


May 13, 2008
im a senior at high school and i go to a catholic school

One by one, kid by kid, religion is creeping up on us. The effects of religions like Christianity, Catholicism, and the other 36,000+ Christian denominations are bringing us down as a society. Whether it’s indoctrinations, crusades, inquisitions, or just the outdated moral values, religions have introduce to the world is devastating.

Religion prevents scientific achievement and puts a halt to scientific studies. Therefore, The effects of religion is that which prevents scientific achievement and puts a halt to scientific studies. They hold back stem cell research which could be vital in the fight against diseases like cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injuries and muscle damage. Many faiths and churches, including Judaism, the United Church of Christ, The Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America all oppose the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which provides federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. These Churches believe Stem Cell Research is consider murder, which goes against the 6th commandment written by god.

Catholicism also prevents abortion and the use of contraceptives, which has resulted in millions becoming infected with HIV/AIDS, as well as unwanted pregnancies. Such unwanted pregnancies create pressure on impoverished societies. Pope Benedict XVI, quoted, “Scripture does not explicitly mention abortion, but as the official interpreter of the Scriptures, he said that the commandment "You shall not kill" applies to abortion as well. There are also other references which state that an unborn baby is a human person, such as Psalm 51:5, Psalm 139:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:5. Such major decisions should not be decided from faith. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, the highest-ranking Roman Catholic prelate in Colorado said, “The church says abortion is a foundational issue”, on Oct 9, 2004. The efforts of Archbishop Chaput and his allies rounded up more then 50,000 people for upcoming elections, Archbishop Chaput said “voting against abortion is to commit a sin”. Where as you see based on faith alone, religion has once again made it’s impact on critical decisions.

Rational Thinking is skewed and damaged by superstitious notions which cannot be backed up by evidence. For centuries, even before people learned to read and write, religion has continuously rejected the findings of objective Science. In 1632, when Galileo published his book, Dialogues on the Two Chief World Systems, he was summoned by Pope Urban VIII a year later to appear before the Inquisition in Rome. Just for asserting the his ideas that the Earth was not the center of the universe or that the earth is not flat, Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in a Roman dungeon for most of his life. Such ignorance stops education and could revert us back in the Dark Ages.

Also, there is a connection that parents who are theists have children with lower IQ’s. These children will be less interested in science. Religious people, who will live in that adulthood, will become less intelligent compared the to people around them. Research has already proven this theory. Paul Bell in "Mensa Magazine", 2002, reviewed all studies taken of religion and IQ. He concluded:"Of 43 studies carried out since 1927 on the relationship between religious belief and one's intelligence and/or educational level, all but four found an inverse connection. That is, the higher one's intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold "beliefs" of any kind."

Since the beginning of time, religion has been to control the masses, but it’s the 21st Century now, and we shouldn’t let religion blind us anymore. The time to put a end to religion has come. These are only the few examples religion have provided for society that has been left in ruins. Being an indoctrinated theist since I was born has put a toll on my life, but now that I further the study on my religion and world religion, I can proudly call myself an atheist and fight what I believe in, and I hope you can too.