Please Rate And Comment On My Character Bio?


New member
May 26, 2011
Short and snappy...I'm part of a D&D campaign again this weekend as I often play (and yes, I am a girl *shock and horror* ) who's played for years.

This is my attempt at my most detailed, historically accurate and intricate character. The pretense of the campaign is Call of Cthulu, where the mission is not to become insane due to fear. My character is the most likely to go insane, due to her history.

Please rate and comment on it, I'd love your feedback. <3


Name: Lola-Rose Luciano (formerly Jean Marie Lucien)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Italian-American.
Occupation: Cabaret Singer and Showgirl.

Raised in destitute and filthy Hooverville Slum in Central Park, young Jean Marie Lucien knew that she would do anything to escape that kind of life, no matter what it cost her and others around her. Street-smart and sharp, but not academic due to her poor upbringing, she entered the only profession she could - cabaret and burlesque performance. While 1920's America didn't appreciate the art as much as they would come to love it, she found her niche in Little Italy and become Lola-Rose Luciano, running as fast as she could, away from the long shadow of Hooverville with its stench of poverty and madness. Running away from what she had to do to survive.

A sceptical and somewhat non-religious young woman, Lola grew to be God-fearing even so, taught from an impossibly young age that God was a sadistically cruel, egotistical and domineering presence. This fear was reinforced in her early childhood by many midnight Bible sermons, held in the centre of Manhattan. These were often led by raving, starved, wild-eyed preachers who screamed of Raptures and Judgement, of sin and Hellfire. Lola-Rose Luciano fears shadows, the supernatural and death more than anything remotely real. And she fears insanity. Surprisingly for a cabaret girl, she is chaste by choice, but mostly by fear, unable to take the heart or hand of any of the many suitors who had come forward to beg a chance.

Glamorous and seemingly unshakable, Lola-Rose Luciano has demons below the surface that are waiting for the first chance to eat her alive and devour everyone around her as well. Quitting her seedy singing career at Little Italy's most lucrative Speak-easy, the Gin Parlour, she took a rickety train to a small, anonymous town based in the north of Montana State. Greenville. Working shifts as a barmaid and singer in a little-known bar, Lola-Rose is waiting for the opening of the new and exciting Orient Express, a project that represented the American dream to the little girl who had used the radio to drown out the death around her and so had been hearing about the railway for so many years.

She blatantly sweet-talked her way into a ticket to Paris upon the Orient Express, hearing of the glamorous lifestyle of the Diamond Dogs, the girls of the Moulin Rouge. And she is not afraid of the people who will journey with her, none of them any more honourable than she.

Lola-Rose Luciano is not the typical girl. A showgirl with a heart of gold, she has demons. These are the creatures that stop her sleeping at night. The screams of Hooverville, of those driven insane by poverty and loneliness and death. The burning, suffocating stench of Hellfire. And terrible fear, fear for the immortal soul that she didn't think she believed in. All she knows is that the locked box in her mind, the one that's always been there, will one day fall to the floor and break open, spilling twenty-three years of scary things across the floor, and then she'll have to look. But not now.

Not yet.