Please help with Jack Russell Terrier chewing problem?

Aug 20, 2010
Three months ago I went to the animal shelter looking for a dog for my Mom and elderly grandmother...they recommended a beautiful wire haired terrier. Well, turns out she is a Jack Russell/Parson Russell terrier and she is a major handful. She doesn't bark and she is not aggressive. She is about a year old and has all her teeth...but she chews EVERYTHING! You can not turn your back on her at all, my family is attached to her but their house is destroyed. She has eaten the baseboards, couches, blankets, and anything else she can get her hands on. My Mom is on a fixed income and one on one training is out of the budget. Will Petco training help? Is there anything to do to train a dog at home? She sprays bitter spray on things but still nothing stops the chewing...the dog destroys Nylabones and Kongs within minutes. My Mom walks her on a leash several times a day and they play with her constantly. Help, please!