Please help me with my current situation! ( LOVE Sitch! lol)?


May 20, 2008
Ok, so I started seeing a guy a few months back who is really great. We started off friends, and then started to hook up. My very close friends found it really funny, that he was some what younger then me. About six years, and made fun of me and us a lot. Either way, over the time we dated, I was kinda making a joke out of it, cause I was embarrassed, and he kinda got fed up with it. Because I liked the guy, and I wanted to try and stay friends I gave it a break, and decided to try and be friends a month or so later. Now when we hang, its been kinda like bro's haha. Its been fun, but I do still find myself getting jealous when he talks about girls. Then about a month ago, during a time when he had a gf, I went out with him to the bar, and I asked him how things were going with gf. He told me that he wasn't super fond of her, and we had a discussion and two days later, he dumped the girlfriend. A weekend later, we had a birthday party, and the guy and I got really drunk and he told me he loved me. So after that, I was lost on what to do, and at this point kinda moving on. So when we finally talked about it, he joked he didn't remember what he said, and I told him, in a joking way that he said he loved me, and that I took it with a gain of salt. So now when we hang out its became a tad awkward. He wants to hang, but always wants to go home early, and he gets super jealous I guess you could say, when I talk about other guys, and now I"m started to get jealous of when he talks about girls. Plus its becoming a stupid competition, over who can get the other more jealous. As he is younger then me, I don't want to freak him out and I don't want to loose the friendship, cause I enjoy his company, but I want this to stop, and go back to normal. I also may have feelings for him myself, but don't want to make this even more weird.
So here we go, what do you all think I should do?
Other then, get off the internet, and move on! hahahah
Just in case you didn't quite understand.
I do like the guy, he is younger then me and I can't actually tell if he likes me.
The only real truth so far I have gotten out of him, was that my friends ruined it for us, and made him uncomfortable, along with the love confession weekend, that then was miraculously forgotten by Monday.
I know I should prob just move on cause age does seem to be an issue, but I actually really like the guy and I want to either, be just friends or simply start dating, as the first time around it was more of a hook up, that almost progressed to dating until I kinda turn it into a joke. Which is totally my bad, I'm sadly a tad immature when it comes to dating as well!
Any advise would help!