Please help.How do I stop eating like such a pig and finally start eating healthy?


Feb 24, 2008
I'm getting fatter and fatter everyday!Please help,I'm addicted to sugar and chocolate!Today I had a small bowl of bran flakes with 2% milk,a full cream yogurt and O.J,then I ate a whole 100g slab of milka chocolate with hazelnuts(its so good I couldnt help it)!And its still 12.00!Everyday I tell myself I'll start eating hetlahy,or I'll cut out my portions but I always fail!Now my mom is making soup for lunch,with REALLY good bread!I have to eat but I'll eat a small portion.then at night I have a party with my friend I promised I was gonna bring chocolate and her mom makes the best sandwiches ever...I mean if it was just today it'd be fine but for the last month I've been eating like this,my mom noticed I gained weight and some of my pants are too small.I'm not overweight but I'm not THAT far,I'm 14.PLEASE help what should I do?The weather is f*cked up so I cant go jogging or anything,I can just rope jump and dance in my room...Im tired of getting fatter and fatter,I used to be slim,now my thighs are huge
Plus my mom doesnt help as she's always like: "do you want a pain au chocolat""do you want cake"and I just cant say no!
healty not hetalhy =S
Hey lovely i tell you what i have just gone through all that but it lasted me a year

You start eating junk then you think aww ill go on a diet even though i dont really need to... and some how your cravings for food grows so strong when you try to cut back you end up giving in eating more than you ever did before and before you know it you are like a stone heavier than you was when you started out
...well thats what happened with me

thing is i went the wrong way about it, i didnt try to go on a healthy diet and loose weight slowly and explore my choice of food.. i just tried crash diets, straving, 'detox' throwing up and you know what it was the worst thing i ever did with myself

and only recently i have stuck to a diet for about 2 weeks now and i have found it easy and lost 6lbs

what i did was look a lot on the internet etc to find oout firstly what foods i should be eating and what foods i should cut out
then i look for foods i should be eating that i actually liked.. dont eat something you dont like just because it is healthy because chances are you can actually find a food you like that is just as healthy and contains the same vitamins, protein, whatever ect

And as for chocolate cravings and i tried thoise options hot chocolate sachets and you know what it blood works! and i can tell you now i do love my chocolate but tbh its just as good and so low on calories and fat

I aint going to lie to you though, you do need some will power... set some goals, think about future, whatever is the reason you dont want to be the weight/shape you are...

also try some exercise and i mean anything that makes you move, and anything that makes you a bit out of breath will do the trick, not all this fancy gym crap...unless thats what you want

Make sure you eat like every 3 hours but small portions, it cuts cravings though the day, and what i do is have options hot chocolate about 9pm ish to cut my chocolate/sweet craving ...because thats when i usually have them... if you like it really sweet just ass sweetners..thats what i did

Any way i cant think of anything else to put and i might have repeated myself i dont know because i just rambled on
but if you need anymore help add me on MSN
[email protected]
and ill help you out if you want it :)

good luck

Im 17 btw, and im not obese just im not happy with my figure at the moment and its a bitch trying to shift that last stone, but what im doing seems to be going alright :)