Please check over my written work?


Active member
May 14, 2008
Please let me know of any grammatical, punctuational or what so ever mistakes.
Thanks in advance

The pragmatic believer is a segment I would strongly regard myself to belong with. The thought of family, friends and the community is regarded highly in comparison with the environment. To support the environment with purchasing green products would result in greater marginal costs. The idea of additional costs on green and organic products does not induce me fully to purchase those goods. The cost has created a major barrier to make greener choices for myself. I have grown up in a generation where I have always thought of green marketing as a tactic or strategy to attain extra income from consumers. Over time the image of green marketing has impacted me negatively. However I am neutral standing with issues about the global and local environments as I would like these environments to continually improve. Although my contribution to the environment is relatively low. I am a supporter of my community as I volunteer frequently. I am a well-grounded and driven individual towards my objectives that I hold belief for.

Marketing products to pragmatic believers would consist of applying greater knowledge to supporting local and global environments. Promoting awareness for green marketing educates consumers for the benefit of your business. They’re unlikely to see green marketing as an additional cost to their goods but rather a way to benefit society. This can be done through E-marketing as buzz and viral marketing are two of the many great sources of promoting to large audiences.

The purpose of marketing to an extent is to satisfy a consumer’s needs. You would require prospective consumers that desire your product. This creates a client focus to the marketing company. To deliver a product effectively you must have a good medium to communicate with. This could range from social media, broadcasting to direct mail. This creates framework for your company as it guides you towards a stronger sense of direction for your marketing campaign.