playstation 3/blueray?



im looking at getting a playstation 3
my ? is that i c that it can play blueray dvds and i need to know how capable it is on running the blueray dvds? is it going to burn the ps3 out or is it able to run the blueray without any problems?
no dude the ps3 does get so hot that u can cook an egg ive tried but if u keep it it a cool room with an air conditioner it wont burn out unless its a real hot day without air conditioning and youve been playing it all day and your unlucky cos it does get hot but if u follow thoes rules it wont plus blue ray is better than hd dvd from xbox 360 cos it has heaps of gigs of space which means more room for better quality and more memory for detail and GUESS WAT u can play hd dvd and blue ray in ps3 but u cant play blue ray in xbox 360 blue ray also has more titles 2 choose from than hd dvd but IMPORTANT u need an hd tv 2 play hd dvds and blue ray ok so make sure u have 1 other wise they wont apppear on the screen but u can play the games without hd tv but i wouldnt worry about it overheating at all if your main intention on buying it is for blu ray cos movies only go for usually 2 hours not a whole day but if u think it geting a bit 2 hot put your hand on it some times 2 check and put a fan infront if it does its nrver brunt out for me but it did get real hot once but i put it in a cool room with ac and it hasnt got hot since but all in all i wouldnt worry cos the xbox 360 is bad cos my uncle got 1 and its scratched all the discks he put in it same with ever1 else who i know got 1 and it has the red ring of death ive head so much about the only bad thing ive head about ps3 is over heating but it can be prevented if u keep it cool ok it only gets hot cos it far superior than the 360 but keep it cool real IMPORTANT ok and u wont have a problem if u have any other questions 2 do with ps3 or psp email me at [email protected]
Yes the Bluray will work fine on the pS3, blu-ray is main selling point of the pS3 as well as six axis and HD games.
the ps3 has a BD player built in witch means it is desinged to play blueray dvd.

there should be no problem at all!
if there is a problem it means the blueray dvd driver is stuffed and that is coverd in warranty!!