Plantronics bluetooth Explorer 240 can't figure out how to get it in discoverable...


May 17, 2008
...mode? I don't know what I am doing wrong. I can not get the 240 in discovery mode. Which way is off and which way is on? I have the on/off switch and the volumn key, that is all I have on this one. It is very basic but I must be a dummy!! I have tried turning what I think is "off" and pressing and holding the volumn key to make the lights flash blue and red but I push and hold it the volumn key for over a min. and nothing happens. And then I do the same thing on what I think is the "ON" button but still nothing. Oh and BTW Im trying to connect it to a AT & T Samsung Flight. PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME TO GO TO THE PLANTRONICS WEBSITE....IT DOES NOT HELP!!! AND PLEASE NO AUTOMATIC RESPONSES. THEY DON'T HELP EITHER. Please and thank you to who ever helps me!