Plans for the weekend or to night ??


New member
Mar 18, 2008
I am a single man now. Just finish with my girl friend. Been together for over 1 1/2 year. So to night will i hit the GO GO's and Clubs here in Pattaya Thailand

Some of you guys have any plans for to day ??

YouTube - Coyote Dancer Toom of Buffalo Bar, Pattaya
He he i not know to be honest.... But after reading Toom ;-)
I just posted a video quickly. Trying to make you guys Jealous.... Not have time. On my way in to the shower now. So i wish you all a nice day what ever you guys are up 2 ;-)
My weekend won't be as wild as a lot of yours will be I am sure of that.I am going to try to get some road miles in either on foot or on my bike.Haven't decided yet but this really strong wind may be the judge of that for me.

Then maybe grab a girl friend of mine and take a short trip to a nearby town and have a decent meal.There are a lot of things I have been neglecting and need to catch up on around my place, so maybe I will just be boring as usual.
Oh and of course watch some movies late into the night also.
Brother, any weekend in Pattaya is a wild time. Lots of random sex and violence. Its like living in a James Bond movie.
Well that's the luxury of not getting married! Don't have to worry about that kind of commitment =P
do they still have those mad bike racers in Pattaya in the middle of the night? i read some mad statistic that 2.5 people die in bike related accidents per day!
I know it's statistic but I find it funny that half a person dies each day lol
I think it's a mean average. Mean! get it.
The public roads are pot hole tastic, that's why they have toll roads. I never saw any of these racers but heard them when trying to get to sleep in some fleapit 100baht a night dive some years ago
Weekend consisted of running a bootcamp sat morn, sparring sat lunchtime and coursework the rest of the day.
Sunday I've a training course for a pointless qualification I need then chilling with the girlfriend.

Friday night was spent in the local wetherspoons, I was drinking water but was class chilling with everyone.

Next weekend going to the caravan with the lads and girlfriends should be great, on th coast in the Northumberland countryside with my best mates, couldn't ask for more!

Chang mate remember a Mach 3 is cheeked than crab cream.
He he bro i have been around for 9 years + now. And been living here fore more then 3 years,,. And to be 100% honest to you guys. Do i have friends who go with Lady Boys. But i have never ever done that :) Some of them are looking very good. But sorry it's not for me...

''simon'' s maybe you are the Lady Boy lover and not me ha
Not really bro. But i have to agree with you nit noi

Have you been around ???
The biggest problem is that many peoples here drink and drive. And many of them are just young kids. If i not get you wrong. Do you think about them young guys now. Driving around in groups doing bad things at night. We call them Dek Wan here in Thailand...

To be honest do i think it's more then 2 peoples a day here who dies in the roads.. And on the high way it's allot spots to do U-Turns. And this is where many of them bad things find please...

And police not work after midnight. So that's why all them crazy kids and others are out at night doing crimes !!