Pizza Eating Contest


Feb 25, 2008
Next week there's going to be a Pizza Eating Contest at my school. The rules are simple. The first person to eat a whole pie (8 slices) wins. By the way we're talking about a BIG New York Style pizza here. Apparently, there is an "awesome" prize for the winner so I gotta have it. Anyone have any suggestions on how to prepare for and/or eat the fastest? I'm kind of new to this whole speed eating thing...
Can you throw up? If you can, eat a ton before you go and throw up on everyone before they eat.

No one will try.
who cares if you win, you get to eat as much pizza as you want
yum i might get a pizza now
don't get too excited until you know what the prize is
fold the pizza in half when you eat it
Dude, the day before just eat A TON of food, like to the point where you actually throw up. Your stomach will be expanded... just hope you poop it out in time for the contest.
People are doing it all wrong. Its not how fast you can eat, but how much you can eat. Given that there isn't an unlimited amount of time.
Im the same way.. not even for a contest.. just in everyday life I eat extremely fast. My uncle cracks jokes like " did you atlease taste it?"
I eat so fast ive evolved to drink after im done. I never take a drink while I eat. I feel bad at gatherings or with family because im the first one done.
Im not fat or anything.. I just dont sit there and look at my food all day.. I get that crap done.. smoke a cigg.. then lay around not giving a fuck.
This man is right.

You'll feel like you're full and that you'll want to stop eating, but sometimes you just can't stop eating.
Wrong. You will become full very quickly.

Eat a lot of small portions throughout the day and make sure you shit beforehand.