Photos that will never make the news.....

i just wanted to show that like in the vietman war, the people who fight the war arent what is evil, its the fact that we have the war that is bad. we need to look past what bad things the soldiers may have done, and into the good that they can cuase. i feel as though there is too manny negative feelings towards the soldiers, and that if this war continues that they may return to the same welcome that the soldiers from vietnam did, a country full of people who doesnt value any good that they did, just focuses on the evil and makes them wish they had never returned.
That is wrong. At least in the US and I am pretty sure for most other coalition countries. The US soldiers are paid and trained, yes, and I guess that technically makes them professional. But you talk about them as if they are mercenaries. Each one of them is a person who believes in fighting to protect their country and they believe that they can trust the government would only send them into harms way if it was absolutely necessary and wouldn't ask them to take another’s life unless that was necessary. They grew up as any other child, they are just the citizens that, when the time came, chose to be trained to protect their country.
I agree with your point. My father did one tour of Korea and 2 tours of Vietnam. I know what ever happened he would serve with honor. This I believed because of what he tried to teach me. No mater what we disagreed on I was never ashamed of his service. In fact I was in a few fights with anyone who made remarks about his honor. Baby killer brings one fight to mind. Most military personal serve with honor and pride this is especially true for the career solider.
How is it wrong? They are professional soldiers. That is a fact. I didn't compare them to mercenaries, I simply said that they are professionals and they do what they are ordered to do. That isn't a critisism. To say that someone is professional is normally considered to be a complimentary term. You seem to think that it is a derogatory expression, and I don't understand why.

I wasn't having a go at the soldiers, but I just made the point that they do what they do for a living. They don't make the decisions over what they are sent to do. To what extent they 'trust the government' of their respective countries is impossible to judge, apart from asking individual soldiers! I imagine the majority of them would feel that what they are doing in Iraq is worthwhile, but even if they didn't they would still do their job to the best of their ability, don't you think?