Personal flaws?


Feb 12, 2008
What do you see as your personal flaws & are you confronting them or do you intend to, perhaps you see them as being part of what is essentially "you"

My biggest flaw is that i find it hard to focus concentration on a project, seeing it through to the end, i find this flaw highly irritating.

To confront this i took up martial arts & made sure i didn't leave(though i felt like on more than one occasion) until i got the elusive Black Belt, & i'm very proud i stuck at it.

I'm now applying the same dogged determination to other parts of my life.
My personal flaws: stupidity, bellicosity, greed, theft, larceny, all sorts of stuff the coppers don't even know about, mindless destruction, alchoholism, complete disrespect for authority, need I go on?
time management!! i'm late to everything, except martial arts... and that's helped me be on time for other things like ... erm.. work

i drink too much, smoke too much, but everyone's got their vices...

and i can't budget my money for the life of me.... this one is really tough, i just have no restraint!! especially when I see a pack of Spaten Optimater on sale for less than 7$ at my local market. All shiny and talking to me, yeah it's like that.

i'm trying to take care of it, even going so far as working with a budget counselor to manage my funds with me and make me accountable.
Gloominess, being a disillusioned socialist, much pent up agression, lack of interest in school, general violence (although very much under control right now), hairstyle, current lack of dedication to the martial way, either very emotional or totally uninvolved, severity, wound up, disregard for titles and the authority connected with titles, somewhat antisocial, rarely drinks but then always drinks to excess. Might add more as I think of them.
Over generousity, too self effacing and chasing after things that just don't really matter. Oh yeah, and I'm too serious (Who'd have thought )
I cuss to much and like to yell when I get angry (and cuss even more then). I have a bit of a time trying to budget money too, but now I just give all my money to my GF and she makes sure I do not waste it.

I also get fighting mad when people make fun of my accent.

Too nice to people, sometimes a short temper when it comes to big mouths, (mostly ok with it now) I could go on and on but i dont want to bore you
I'm going to sleep on this one and come back and post my list.

... as you can see one of them is I procrastnate too much.
I'm too self conscious. And I'm not very self confident.....

(hey, I just provided and example.) many, many more.

(there's another eg.)
I sometimes try to lie myself out of it, but face it - I am damn selfish

Other traits include a nasty temper and that I really don't give much of a damn about life, I mean I don't care much about my education! If I finally study it will be a miracle if I continue for even an hour, I while away my time a lot

What am I doing to improve?

Nothing - to be honest, the best I have managed so far is make false promises to myself but never fulfulling them...

That's it! Naff! Morphy I'll sue you for making me sound like a complete dufus

"I honour my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all"

I find it difficult to stand up for myself, to say no when someone sak me for something etc. I kinda took up MA hoping it would give me more confidence. I am also making an effort to stand up to people.

I'm also a stress-a-holic. I worry too much about unimportant things.
Heh, I don't worry enough about things. Not much stresses me out, except for when an assignment is due in an hour and I haven't completed it

- procrastination
- extremely lazy
- too honest
- too trusting
- Motivation for anything waxes and wanes to extremes, quite often - Not a great deal except to try to push on through.

- I'm often found very hard to understand - Doing nothing, why should I?

- Slightly paranoid - Being patient with my thoughts and noticing when they are unreasonable.

- As soon as I routine or conceptualise anything, my motivation drops

- Anti-authoritarian, BIG problem with people who think they are hot stuff because of their title. Huge HATRED for the people running this world out of greed. Although I dont see that as my problem, I see it as theirs.

- Find dealing with school very pointless and tiring.

- I used to be very jealous but I feel that I've dealt with this.

- Happiness, peacefulness, niceness, etc. etc. etc. all are like a yo-yo... maybe I have a mild case of Bi-Polar. My Buddhist practice is a stable rock to hold onto.

I am pedantic
I am never wrong
too laid back

Thoses are probably my main personality flaws. Thankfully some of them try to cancel each other out a bit so I get by.
My flaws... I'm too hard on myself, and too nice to other people, half of whom don't deserve it.

I'm trying hard to change the latter, and have made good progress so far