Personal fitness can you help me please.?


May 15, 2008
1. Most fitness test results are measured in _________________. (1 point)
Percentiles Averages
Excellent, good, fair, poor
2. A ____________ resting heart rate indicates a strong, high level of cardiovascular health. (1 point)
180 bpm
150 bpm
3. Resting heart rate is usually measured: (1 point)
After at least 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise
Just before you go to bed, or at least 30 minutes after a strenuous workout
Just before you get out of bed, or at least 30 minutes after doing light exercise

An average taken 30 minutes before your workout and then again 30 minutes after your workout
4. Flexibility measurements are taken to establish: (1 point)
How well your joints and muscles move through a maximal range of motion
How much pressure your bones can withstand
How quickly your heart rate recovers after strenuous exercise
Whether or not you suffer from arthritis
5. Which of the answers below best describes step tests. (1 point)
Step tests are used to determine flexibility
Step tests are used to determine your cardiovascular health, they need to be performed by a health professional
Step tests are used to determine muscular strength in your lower body, it is a test you can conduct yourself
Step tests can be performed without the assistance of a healthcare professional and do not require special equipment. They are used to determine cardiovascular fitness